A life-changing course to illuminate the path of the inner voice

You know the way. It's the way that only you can know. It's the way of your Moon-self. 

Named after my podcast and workbook, Moon to Moon is a 9-week transformational intensive to deprogram from harmful conditioning, unlearn patterns of self-abandonment, repair from repeated breaches in self-trust, protect the present moment from your inner child's fear of it, and become unwavering to your truth in the face of invalidation.

This Yes is a spell

In Moon to Moon, you will experience new ways to come home to yourself, anchor through change, and uncover your power - one month, one phase, one loving step at a time.

To learn more about the course logistics, curriculum, and our dreams for you, click here for the Moon to Moon page.

Choose a Pricing Option

For all options (Early Bird, Equity, & Regular), there are two prices: within and without the Moon to Moon workbook. If you do not currently own the workbook, please select the option that includes it, and we will ship it to you. Price includes Priority shipping. If you live outside the U.S., please plan to cover the difference later.

If you are BIPOC and/or Trans and are experiencing financial hardship, please choose the Equity Plan below.